A collection of pen and ink drawings inspired by religious poetry.
All art copyright (c) Israel Galindo.
March 1, 2010
For the Baptist
"The last and greatest herald of Heaven's King,
Girt with rough skins, hies to the deserts wild,
Among that savage brood the woods forth bring,
Which he than man more hamless found and mild:..."
For several years my daily devotional practice has involved reading Scripture and poetry with meditation on the text of both. Later I incorporated imaging as part of the daily discipline of lectio divina. These ink drawings are a result of that practice.
After reading and meditating on the text, I focus on the meaning and feeling of the message. This, personally, is an important facet of the discipline since my tendency is to live too much “in my head.” Once an image suggests itself I quickly sketch it on paper using ink and brush. The drawings are impromptu with no attempt made to correct mistakes (that will be obvious). Which means that I learn to live with the mistakes, since I'm not looking for "perfection" in the end product. Rather, the final sketch is just an expression of the end of a process—an end to a means, so to speak. Each sketch takes no more than fifteen minutes to complete. Incorporating the artistic dimension into the devotional practice has allowed for an integration of the cognitive and affective elements of the Scripture passages. I hope you enjoy the sketches with the first line of the poems that inspired them.
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