February 22, 2010

Unknown Letter

"But Jesus bent over
and wrote with his finger
on the earth
and again bent over
and wrote on the earth...."

Tadeusz Rozewics

February 15, 2010

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born;

February 8, 2010


"...And then, Salome! Still a child (a child!)
She drinks the potion, horrible, defiled,
That summons up dark vengeance and the sword...."

Mikola Zerov

February 1, 2010

Adoro Te

Godhead here in hiding, whom I do adore,
Masked by these bare shadows, shape and nothing more,
See, Lord, at Thy service low lies here a heart
Lost, all lost in wonder at the God thou art.