January 25, 2010

Like the Samaritan Woman

"Lord, won't you come and quietly speak
as if asking me for one cup of water first
like you did the Samaritan woman who came
to draw water out Jacob's Well?
You know that since I'm a sinner
I lack courage----"

Hae-In Lee

January 18, 2010

Mysterious Wealth

"Feeling today like the Prodigal Son
just arrived back in his father's arms,
I observe the world and all it contains..."

Ku Sang

January 11, 2010

In My Father's House

"Friday mornings, while challah rises,
I walk to shul to practice desert prayers...."

Dewitt Clinton

January 4, 2010


"It all happened on the water
Jesus' walking
the fishermen watching
from their boats...."

Susan Griffen

January 1, 2010

Salvator Mundi: Via Crucis

"Maybe He looked indeed
much as Rembrandt envisioned Him
in those small heads that seem in fact
portraits of more than a model...."

Denise Levertov